Monday, February 10, 2014

Merkel Unhappy With US and Britain

          As Germany is the most industrialized and populated country in Europe, its advanced technological achievement is still potentially threatened by others. Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor issued a statement which strongly admonishes the US and the UK regarding the recent surveillance and spying activity scandals. Although I do not doubt the same behavior is being reciprocated by Germany, Merkel said that "Western powers sacrificing freedom in the quest for security are sending the wrong signal to billions of people living in undemocratic states." Merkel said that "Actions in which the ends justify the means, in which everything that is technically possible is done, violate trust, they sow distrust". The female chancellor has also made claims that her cellphone has allegedly been tapped by the NSA; Merkel is making a pretty bold statement in my opinion. She wants to talk ethics, and freedom, yet Germany has its own violations of rights going on in their country as well.  Merkel, who was actually raised under communism in the former East Germany has expressed her efforts for a European no-spying agreement along with data privacy rules. 

Do you think that Germany spies on their own citizens and others as well, and that this whole statement is just a form of posturing?

link to the article!

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