Friday, February 21, 2014

Incase you are interested...

          So I found a pretty cool source for global political news! You have to subscribe, but the information is well worth it! I feel like it would be beneficial for this class in particular since it does geopolitical analysis in the realm politics, economics, and (for those interested) military.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Japan's Cabinet Approval Rating

          I found it interesting to learn that Japan's institutions pretty much resemble Britain, yet with different functions. In the Japanese constitution, it is specified that the Emperor has absolutely no government-related powers. He exists for ritual and ceremony, and serves as more of a figure of tradition for the younger folks. In Britain, The Queen is in name the head of state, the armed forces, and the head of the Church of England. In practice however, she does not actually exercise any authority, but she still serves as a counterbalance to the PM. Having read in the book that Japan's streak of PM's have been "weak, and rarely the real power", I decided to find a poll on the approval rating of the current Japanese PM. Following former PM Koizumi who ruled from 2001-2006, I was surprised to read that there have been six PM's in five years! From the date I found, the current Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's cabinet has shown it's approval rating at 60% based on an opinion survey that was done nationwide. According to "The Yomuiri Shimbun", this was opinion survey was conducted last Friday and Sunday, and the rating has not changed much from its previous 62% polls from early January. The percentage of respondents who said they had not felt positive effects of the economic recovery under the Abe Cabinet stood at 77%, up from 73% in another previous poll. How long do you think this one is going to last?

source : this article

Monday, February 10, 2014

Merkel Unhappy With US and Britain

          As Germany is the most industrialized and populated country in Europe, its advanced technological achievement is still potentially threatened by others. Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor issued a statement which strongly admonishes the US and the UK regarding the recent surveillance and spying activity scandals. Although I do not doubt the same behavior is being reciprocated by Germany, Merkel said that "Western powers sacrificing freedom in the quest for security are sending the wrong signal to billions of people living in undemocratic states." Merkel said that "Actions in which the ends justify the means, in which everything that is technically possible is done, violate trust, they sow distrust". The female chancellor has also made claims that her cellphone has allegedly been tapped by the NSA; Merkel is making a pretty bold statement in my opinion. She wants to talk ethics, and freedom, yet Germany has its own violations of rights going on in their country as well.  Merkel, who was actually raised under communism in the former East Germany has expressed her efforts for a European no-spying agreement along with data privacy rules. 

Do you think that Germany spies on their own citizens and others as well, and that this whole statement is just a form of posturing?

link to the article!

Monday, February 3, 2014

How do the French really feel about Muslims in France?

          France has about five to six million Muslim immigrants, which is more than both Germany and Britain. They flee the harsh conditions of unemployment in the former French colonies in West and North Africa, expecting a better life in France. However, most of them are subject to the dirtiest, low-paid work. There is a lot of racism that goes on, and the issue is not being helped by the fact that most French people want Muslim immigrants sent home because there are "too many of them." On top of that, all of France's main parties are against any more newcomers, which now has legal immigration very tight. This sounds pretty familiar if you ask me! However, maybe there are some things that those in the National Front (who advocate turning Muslims away) should pay attention to before giving the cold shoulder. Although the Muslims are unwanted by most, they seem to pay a huge contribution to bashing the gays, which is something the National Front is totally into. According to the article I came across, the Muslim's made a prominent contribution in a protest against gender equality teaching in schools and fertility treatment for same-sex couples. A 54 year old Muslim father said “I am opposed to gender theory lessons in schools, I am opposed to same-sex marriage, we are in the process of destroying the fundamentals of French life." The Muslims seems to have a great deal of French nationalism for being the outcasts in society.

So does the National Front really want the same group of people who are supporting their issues to be sent home?

Photo: Tony Todd/FRANCE 24